Main Garden in Over The Garden Wall RP - Out Of Service

Remember, This Is Dead. I'm keeping it for the history files.


I have some bandages on me right now

Do you want them?

being threw here and landed hardly-

But how did you break your leg?


L: bruh

That's weird

Holy shit

OK I listed a list

Tchtra, these are the things you missed:

1. I broke my left leg

2. C. Redy destroying everything

3. We having a battle with C. Redy

4. C. Redy teleported away

What the heck-

What did I miss

Faded voice: Finelly I won

*falls to a ground*

Rolzo: OH GOD! are you ok sweetie?

Alice: *alseep*

Rolzo: Mabey she's just sleeping

You missed something lol