just amazing art! in PERMANENT SMILE'S CLOWN ROOM!

clowns! ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

I made a (gator? crocodile?) guy on ibis paint x

My beautiful couples ocโ€™s :3

I shall consume everyoneโ€™s entrails and skin them <3

โ€œIn the middle of the night.โ€

I wanted to make a drawing that was in the night today on ibis paint x

I drew a silly bug creature on ibis paint x

Me and my friendโ€™s weirdcore ocโ€™s for a role play lol

Hereโ€™s a drawing of happy Marsho I made on ibis paint x!

Made two silly foxes on ibis paint x

Random doodle of my friend

Tall creature and silly cat (I made this on ibis paint x)