All Posts in Anomalous Analysis Corporation (Official)

Open your eyes...

Welcoming Anatolyi!

OC by @kincd

Welp, here goes nothing. Not sure that this will be accepted at all.


First place: Bravice, with 26/30

Second place: The Showmaster, with 23,5/30

Third place: No anomaly has gotten third place (Due to a lack of anomalies)

Submit (Or re-submit) your anomalies now!

Drawing AAC anomalies as fnf idles day 2

Michael by @obscuresimpofficial

Drawing AAC anomalies as fnf idles day 1

The showmaster by @Toy_Fredboi


I've revamped Bravice completely! Art, layout, description, everything except common info like height and age.

I hope this'll get me a higher grade in the contest.

hes only saying that because if you dont he'll lose lol trolled

Are you kidding me?


Just to remind everyone that the deadline is almost over!

(Im begging you to submit anomalies. Please. We have only 1 anomaly that has been reposted into the submission template. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR GODDAMN ANOMALIES-)

Just remembering everyone to post (Or repost) theyr anomalies for the contest!

If you hadnt understood the prize, basically if you win your anomaly will appear in the canon story.

Remember that the deadline is August 14!