Community News in Berllunity!

Share your thoughts here pal! :D

hey yall! just checked my gamejolt posts back then and, wow.. i absolutely sounded RIDICOLOUS! i cant believe i had such bad grammar 😭🙏

hopefully now im much better, right?


wait.. is TODAY my SPAWNDAY??

in a week or so, it'll officially be my 4th year on GJ. this is where my trip began.

hello everyone,

today i came with announcement that doesnt "break my heart" at all but it could to some of you.


the official community channel rebrand has been delayed fur to some safety issues. hopefully, before the end pf the month, we'll fully see the community in its new form.

brand new categories will later be added in the server!! <3

current progress of the server's revamp (progress is updated each time smth is updated..): 69%

p.s. community news is the only server still remaining with the same image, as it doesn't need any revamp yet. stay tuned for more info!

my community is currently under reconstruction! everything is officially going to be finished tomorrow! the precise time & date is on the 05/06/24 - 17:30 GMT! stay tuned ya'll!! rules have also been updated and changed, while a new one has been added.