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Oh wait, I know whats bad about that now, I'm late for school, good thing I can teleport

hang on a sec, how old even am I? Oh yea, I'm 17, wait that means I also have school...I have no idea how that bad

Amy: - woke up and got dressed and came with Andrea- oki, I'm ready for school.

Andrea: Fine let me just wake up my bestie -heads upstairs- tooyo wake up we gotta go to school!

to @GamemakerGuy )

*just appers behind you* can i be your frend

*knocks on door*Because you have school rn, I'll talk with you after you go to school

-Morning- Andrea: hm what time Is it? OH I HAVE TO GET TO SCHOO

*sigh*, Then I'll talk with you guys tommorow *stares through the windows*

Amy: - pop out of the door- would you quiet...and shoo...for god sake...your annoying... - went back to bed to sleep-

Listen, everybody, can we just be all friends? or get to know each other? or I'll leave you guys alone if you guys could help make my new house that I was making since 2013, I never finished it for 7 years