All Posts in Arrow's office

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Made dis person- this is a new spider-man person that I made and later I'll add more detail and stuff to him-

Also Ogichidaa means Warrior in the Ojibway language-

And all I have is him not in his spidey suit and I'll make it later

I'm always so happy when I see this art and ideas on pinterest because even though i don't know who the artist(s?) Is, I just love how detailed the art is and how the concept makes since to me, It's my favorite -v-

Tried visiting Rose after sadly a long time, didn't work

Now Tale can die in a hole


Don't worry about my hair- it's messy af-

Nah, no way-

Is this... LORE??!?11??1!??!?1?!?


So then Sophie's soul shattered at some point in time?

Idk- also who the absolute fxck is the person in the last pic because I have looked at everyone of your OCs that are known to me and I found NOTHING except for an old pic of [CN]


Is the first person shown in the vid Sophie?

Because if it is then would it be both Kate's and [CN]'s first meeting with Sky since in one of Kate's posts, both her and [CN] fused to make Sophie-?

I have lore to figure out, also the pictures are from

@/KittyGirl_SuperPro 's account-

Baby Spooder shadow-

Yes it has a name and it's Arachne-

Y'all can ask questions if you want- I don't really mind