All Posts in Arrow's office

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I made transformer OCs-

Thx @Disappointment-com for helping me with the names

And yes, they're both sort of half brothers, I'm still tryna work that out because I made these two yesterday-

@KittyGirl_SuperPro :]

Both Jason and James love them! ^^

Their responses are in the article and I made them un GL2 ^^

And yes, Jason is Aroace while James is pansexual- they're also the Death Twin if you didn't know! :D



Also it's Jason's and James's birthday today! ^^

The first two are the wallpapers Virus would have on his phone and the last two are the wallpapers Gift would have on his phone-

Don't mind me, I'm bored af

Fun fact about my Wattpad:

I have 2 published stories on my wattpad while I have 7 draft stories on my wattpad-

Sorry, I was bored and I feel like a burden and xsshxle rn- I'ma disappear for a bit-

Hi- remember this story-? I'm very sorry that I left it for so long-

The characters in the story are:




Bastian (sorry @/BCourtJester - it's just the timeline the story is in-)

Future! Donnie

Gift's tryna understand Ogichidaa ig-

I need to study the United States map more-

I'm so fxcking stupid- I thought that Nevada was a city in California- I was severely wrong-

And I also didn't know that Las Vagas was Sin City- I thought it was Los Angeles-

Made Ogichidaa's spidey suit-
