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Happy new year and here's some stardew valley ships I found on pinterest

I'm back

Have one group chat meme that I found

And a lot of stardew valley memes and well as some stardew valley art and helpful tips that I found.

Me go listen to When Horns Resound from Assassins Creed Valhalla now.

Have fun with all this shxt tomorrow.

Sorry that you'll have to deal with it

Merry Christmas/Yule/Hanukkah/other winter holidays-

Have some lore for this Winter solstice.

Remember that I still don't have any notifications on but I'll actually tag someone in the article now.

Today is Wolfie's birthday, he's now 36 in human years ^^

He's an old man-

Guess who wants to kill Virus for shooting Future! Donatello with mind poison, which traps the victim in their mind and physically poisons them from the inside out.

Which almost acts like acid.

Stay hydrated

This is a threat

*laughs in polysexual and nonbinary*

Everyone is accepted in this family and no one can tell me otherwise- if you'd like you can tell me your pronouns, only if you'd like to or not- it's your choice, not mine.

Two AUs that are the same, but they're different.

Both of them are starwars clones that are genetically mutated/modified like the Bad Batch/Clone force 99 from the animated series starwars clone wars.

I'll explain them later-

Fxck it I'ma make the fxckin video anyways.

I'll either make it with or without Rose in it.