general in Arrow's office

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Decipher this and I'll try and get the second chapter of "Fallen angel in the sewers" on wattpad out before 10:00 AM Eastern time

But if you guys don't decipher it before then, I won't post anything for two days


I wonder who would make a card like this for a specific ship that I haven't done shxt with in a long while

I just got this from pinterest- and also the ship that i haven't used in a long while is Arrow x Rose-

Does that mean I can basically drown demons-?

I need to watch TrollHunters now-

Holy shxt- I found TrollHunters stuffs-

I need to rewatch that show-

Pt.3 of last post

Future Donnie might've kicked present Donnie in the gut again-

Also and I don't know why I'm making it but I am- I'm making a wattpad fanfiction story- idfk why I'm making it but I am- the cover is the second pic-

Pt.2 of last post

Present Donnie got kicked in the gut by his future self for taking future Donnie's warm object-? Warm person-? Warmth-? Idk what to call myself at the moment-

It's 3:40 in the morning-

Donnie wanted to know I if my character was right about them just being warm that's why future Donnie was a bit clingy to them- and now future Donnie is pxssed at present Donnie for taking his warmth-


The Ramblin' Rover

You don't have to watch it, it's mostly just for listening to

Time to go make a video-