general in Arrow's office

Share your creations!

Virus and Leo meeting my mom

I also hope that I got the French translations right because if I don't have them right then I took world language's for fxcking nothing.

Star Wars stuff I found on Pinterest

I’m so confused that recently I have been getting notifications of people following me and I’m surprised by how many notifications I’ve been getting in one day-

I don’t even know why they’re following me- I’m not even that good-


A lil vid I made because I was bored and I thought the audio was cool

Pictures I took on the bus this morning.

Got bored

I found a lot of homebrew things on pinterest that I'm probably going to use in my D&D campaign, I seriously need ideas-

I'd like to thank Octonauts for raising me

Reminding everyone of the tavern rules.


[King Watcher] got yeeted

He isn't really a good father to Skuggi anyways.