general in Black nightmare "fan club"

Yeah... Ye...ah
My new game, it's a Undertale fangame (the other is deleted):

If you feel bad talk to me, I'm a gaemr
People you should follow, but if you don't follow them *summons ralsei*, RALSEI WILL TURN INTO GUN-SEI

If you have a crush on me tell it to ME, all will be the same between us (whoever it is), oh, excepting if I have a crush on you
I think I have endured too much, but, * takes out a 200 kg case *, here I have many puns and bad jokes, do not use them so as not to make you think this is a pun-ishment to things you did in the past
New community it isn't a real fan club, if you aren't a fan join anyway (if you want)