Announcement in LanRicks Official

Show me all of your stuff!

This game is finished! Don't forgot to check the pinned post on this page so that you should know when it's out. :)

Futured is now 3 years old as a characteristic today!

After the moment you've waited for...

Maddie snick.

Living annoy Rave and make him mad.

SHERIFF | Official Trailer

SHERIFF | Official Trailer
One crazy cops in every precinct. 👮‍♂️🚨 #SHERIFF only in gamejolt Summer. 2023.To live in LanRicks universes is to be a perfect being in a beautiful town u...

Trailer - Tomorrow 9AM :)


Coming soon


Happy Easter for SHERIFF! Consume loves easter, obiviously.

We only have 2 spots for fanart to add somewhere in one room before it's over. Don't worry, we still have more spots for extra too as well, so keep your time.