Cool stuff 4 cool ppl in jumbo josh fans and cali fans


guys ima go on another brek because of chrstmas

se ya soon

the goo saga continues

bro andy and leyley fans are another breed

i saw a comment that said "the sibling relationship makes it even better"

like wtf

if you like that game then unfollow me please

guilded link is gone because jamesthegoo decided to join and said some pretty awful things about jewish people muslims the lgbtq and more

if you wanna join just friend me and ill give you the link

jesus christ i hate this platform even more now

Alrighty gamers

If I were to start streaming which platform would you want me to use

  6 votes Voting finished

i remember that time when temmie_cult_leaders alt got into a gc i was in and and had the greatest insult ive ever seen

"cheesy poof cartman = 10 year old"

keep in mind this child reports anyone when they do something they dont like

poppygoesee is my epic games username if anyone wants to play duos or smth

if anyone wants to play sometime friend my guilded its spider plush

"stop playing actor"

this guy 11/9/2023

i hate this platform