GET SNUCK UPON UZI! | Cyn around!

Oh boy.

Also, no I don't hate episode 5.

I actually really liked it.

When I said I wanted YOUR opinions I didn't mean smash the like button and do the opposite of commenting, goddamn it.

Guys I want your opinions, I wrote my dad "Dad, I found the cheapest possible prices for meta quest 2 and 3 can u go see?? Thanks" But I don't feel very confident, IF it doesn't work can y'all comment backup suggestions? Note, my dad is a kinda stern dad.

I'm now realizing how little episode 5 contributed to Murder Drones.

This was my response to Game Jolt. I heavily despise the moderation team's replies, and I hope to get my comment fairly returned, in addition I didn't tell anyone to harass or attack her.

If I was seen as abusive, call me Marshall Jayden, Because I'm rapidly overdosing on people's stupidity.

99% of words used in that comment were all true, by the way, I got no regrets at all in what I've said.

Abusive? My ass. I can't spit facts anymore, because the beeper takes my comments off.

Tom Macdonald was the guy who did the Eminem "diss" with that woman, note that he made homage to Eminem YEARS ago, and now did this, which implies either he's a huge hypocrite or turned backs against Marshall Mathers.