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i think the AI will get confused if i use that pic

gtf off and touch grass /sarc

Bruh My username??? 😭😭💀 is down 😭😭😭



Дэйв: а мне по**й, называй меня как угодно))

Dave: i am fu**ing care, call me anything you want))

Дэйв такой: ебать я ложка)))

Dave is like: fuck I am a spoon))) added this and I’m happy they did because people do need help but now, I can’t kill the characters :(

Whyre you guys so upset abt the update?? I'm not trying to be rude so sry but, why did you put your real age in the first place?? 😭

And I think it's actually a good thing cause LITTLE KIDS are also using it 4 sum reason-