All Posts in Cashew Games

Wow you exist...

BBB update log 7

Some of the game's art has been made

the game page has been updated

The title theme for Fallen is completed (sorry for not updating sooner it has been done for a few weeks)

Follow Fallen and Boris' Bacon Soup!

They are both currently in development!

BBB update log 6!

Small update but collisions have been added!

might start working on some of the map and character sprites tomorrow. will update soon.

Fallen and Boris’ Bacon Soup update log 5

purple guy walking animation almost done.

Fixed the issue I was having!

Need to reorganize the Boris sprite because it moves the wrong was.

The title theme for Fallen is almost done!

Fallen update log 4

Movement animation added

trying to fix an issue with the game not running for some reason. the code is correct but it just wont run.

About to start in game dialogue script

more updates soon

BBB update log 3


Movement animation added

trying to fix an issue with the game not running for some reason. the code is correct but it just wont run.

more updates coming soon. demo will be out on 1/22/24.

Fallen Update Log 3

Cutscene script almost fully finalized!

Fallen (my fnaf fan game) update log 2

Name finalized

Cutscene script being reworked

Cutscene replaced

Rating changed due to harsh language and violence.