Gacha in Lilly’s community

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@shans_luvsCoffee 's gacha edit!

Fazbear.EXE (Fused/Ultimate God form)

Mario.EXE (Deceased)

Cause of Death: Slashed and Eaten by Belial.EXE

Sentenced to death: Salvation and Despair

Lucifer.EXE, Son of Belial.EXE and Amatsu’s cousin

(He was also inside of Fazbear.EXE’s body to restore his power)

Belial.EXE, Mario.EXE’s tormentor and Amatsu’s grandfather

Logun Fazbear (EXE form)/Fazbear.EXE

Creepypasta: The man who wears the Devil's suit

Saori Kaisen, Mikaboshi, Daughter of Izanagi

Mickey’85 (Mickey Morohoshi)

Species: Demonic Mouse

Behold, Izanagi Ōkami, Mikaboshi (Deceased), Father of Amatsu

Date of birth: Sunday October 21, 1951

Date of Death: Friday November 11, 1994

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Hometown: Shinjuku, Japan

Logun Gravestone, Afton (A.K.A: Mouse.EXE)

(Human Form of Mouse.EXE)