Rock and stone!
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Welcome to the Deep rock galactic RP

We have a few rules

  1. you can swear, but don't be toxic, you will be called a leaf lover and be asked to leave

  2. There are many enemies, which are either bugs, or the rivals, if the mission is a rival presence mission, the bugs are called glyphids, here is a document about them:

    Creatures - Deep Rock Galactic Wiki (

    The rivals are robots that go around the caves, these are usually shredders, (the half life 2 manhacks of deep rock galactic) nemesis (a mini boss with a small percentage of being in that cave) the patrol bot, a floating drone that dispenses shredders and shoots bursts of energy. If doing a sabotage mission, then the Caretaker, technically a boss fight.

  3. you can only play as the four classes, these include

    • Scout

      has the ability to use a grappling hook, a flare gun, has a double barrelled shotgun, and a rifle.

    • engineer

      Can place sentries and platforms for teammates to stand on. Has a shotgun and a grenade launcher by default

    • gunner, has a big machine gun and a revolver, has a zipline that anyone can use but takes more time, and a dome shield which causes the bugs to go away

    • driller

      has drills, a flamethrower, a pistol, and a satchel charge, which can deal mass damage to enemies or be used to take out a large amount of the environment

Each class has a set of throwables, with alternatives

The driller having an axe he can throw, or a high explosive grenade or a neurotoxin grenade

The scout has a Inhibitor-Field Generator, which will slow enemies and increase damage taken to them by 30%, a cryo grenade, which freezes them stopping their movement and increasing the damage taken to them by a lot, or a Pheromone Canister, which causes enemies to turn on each other.

The engineer has a L.U.R.E which lures enemies to it, causing a distraction, a Plasma Burster, which creates four explosions per grenade, and the Proximity Mine, that only explodes when a medium or larger size enemy enters its trigger zone.

The gunner has a Sticky Grenade, which sticks to enemies or the enviroment, the Incendiary Grenade, which lights enemies on fire, and the Cluster Grenade, which shoots out multiple grenades in different directions, causing mass area damage, with a chance of stunning the enemy.

4. Accept your fate, though you cannot die in this, you can get knocked out, remember to take damage when your supposed to, dont make yourself bugproof.

5. Missions must only be in one single biome, you do not move to other biomes until a new mission is started, when doing a mission, create ONE post, that is your mission lobby

6. You don't have infinite storage, so when you are filled up with minerals, call for the mule, or as the dwarves call it "molly" if there is no molly on that mission though, just head to the mining platform and deposit there.

7. When doing a mission you need to have an objective, though its best to stick to classic deep rock galactic objectives, you can make your own, all missions need an easier side mission. here are some examples:

Mission request: need 3 people, Mission location "radioactive exclusion zone"

Mission objective, Extermination, we need to kill 3 dreadnoughts

Side mission

extract 25 gunk seeds

Rival presence (if there is a rival presence)

Examples of objectives and side objective

  • Mining expedition

    Mine a certain mineral

  • egg hunt,

    collect alien eggs

  • on site refining

    create pipes that slurp up liquid morkite

  • salvage operation

    Find mini mules and fix them

  • point extraction

    collect 10 aquarks, you dont have a mule on this one so in order to collect it you need to go to the mining platform and deposit it there

  • escort duty

    protect a drill dozer and lead it to a living rock and mine it to get a hearthstone, technically a boss fight but its more of a wave defence

  • Elimination

    Kill dreadnoughts, a powerful glyphid boss usually you kill two or three. you need to find the dreadnought eggs and destroy them to activate the boss, sometimes they come in twins, this doesn't lower the count of the dreadnoughts as it counts as one

  • Industrial sabotage

    Defeat a rival's robot called the caretaker and get a data rack, around the caretaker is a forcefield, turn off the forcefield generators to activate the boss fight, beware as turning off the generators will attract the bugs

8. If you want to play in a mission you need to get accepted by the owner, as only four people can be in a mission at a time, if you turn up to a mission uninvited, you will be asked to leave, as the planet hoxxes is too large to meet up with another squad, also please do not spawn into the mission half way

9. Please be nice to your team, a simple "Rock and stone!" would be nice every time you or your teammates do something great

10. The abyss bar is technically a general channel, here you can do anything, hang out with friends, shitpost, ect, if you want to speak with the management, please go to the memorial hall, if looking for a lobby then go to The space rig


-- Mission control out --

@Icycactus owner
Report A community for over 1 year