memes in Dungeons and Dragons

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When the artificer is a retired druid:


When the party causes chaos on a stealth mission:


Average dnd altercation:


DM Translation for DND:

Hero: Stabs robot minion in the chest

Smart villain: I actually put it's main parts inside its knees. And literally every area but the chest.


Me when the players continue after I said "Are you sure?" And I don't want their characters dead YET.

Ok remeber when Grunkle Ford and dipper played DND? Except it was called Dungeons,Dungeons and more Dungeons? Yeah when i play dnd with my crew its less DND and more Fighting & Argue & Excessive Swearing & Shitloads of gifs & memes

Looking for new players in dnd!

Me: plays dnd

Me; rolls two 20's, one 19, and a 5.. almost defeat a player.. [Rerolled the 9]