All Posts in Goofy Gal’s community!! <33

Share your creations!

I'm bored, so ya know what? If you can draw Luna you can gimme ideas on what I should do. If we're friends you can het a free pass on the drawing.

Just ask.

Items that I find cool.


It's just Damage.

Choose a diff one for my lock screen T.T

  7 votes Voting finished

All flaws aside. How powerful do you think Luna actually is? You can rank her by experience, physical combat, power, or just general skill. Explanations would be appreciated but aren't necessary.

Which should I set as my Lock Screen wallpaper????

  6 votes Voting finished

Name my OC's look alikes!

I won’t be able to draw for a bit so I’ll be posting art I’ve already done

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

— Joshua 1:9
