Ease Collection and Ifei in Ease and Ifei

Share your Ease & Ifei stuff!

Remember the something special the first 10 members get for joining the community?


Area 1 is almost done! I won't be posting lots of updates about Ease 1 anymore to prevent spoilers. However, I did make a cool feature that will be appearing in sections throughout future areas! If you have any ideas for level designs, feel free to share!


Guys when we get to 50 views on Ease Collection, I'm gonna do something really big...

What is the Ease Collection Channel?

Taking a small break from ease collection, will resume development soon

Which version should I get when the game fully releases? I added a new section under INFO just to give you a comparison of the two different versions I will release when the game is done.

Demo is released NOW! Gameplay is NOT final and can change, this demo is just to see how people like the game and to fix bugs. (Note: If you have a PC protector or something its going to say its a virus)

Working on a demo for Ease Collection. I'd say its on track for releasing tomorrow. A slim chance it could release the day after tomorrow.

Update lol