Robert in Emo/Alt's Den

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habv a meem b4 i go away 4 the day

anywayy uhh so im going on HIATUS due to large ammounts of stuffz i need to kill my free time with, stu[dying], voiceacting and general interraction with the human species tht surrounds me

i feel so much better after arting with gore for a few hours

tw: gore,,. the pic is low quality for safety reasons

been making maybe a little too much of this stuff lately..

footage of me after making a fuckton of [paintyang] art but then not sharing it with anyone because just before pressing post i realize how mentally ill it looks and then put them away to never see the light away

felt cute today so i took a selfie <33

they finally brought blue takis to my corner store so i thought i should try them because i like spicy stuff

silly french sweets from art class

the assignment was to draw sweets but i physically cant draw objects without making them animate anymore,,

today i woke up overstimulated (probably because when i fell asleep i was overstimulated ant the feeling didnt go away) and my mom got mad at me for "having an attitude"...

i love this household, very autism friendly and generally calm


bbug encounter