Robert in Emo/Alt's Den

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when i get to 400 followers ig i could do a qna idk

i prolly wont get many questions anyway

ive been trying to supress the urge of changing my oc (blender) for a long time,, like i really like the little guy and dont want to let him go but ive got a better idea of an oc and i like that one alotd..,

soo ermm updates involving me and my situation in article

heppui valemntien day betch <33

ft @Flavio-animates and meee >:3 (@HelloWorldHappyDay @Tophatguy @clutterfunk)

it might sound like my problem is miniscule, almost worthless, if you dont understand my situation

she took my biggest comfort, the thing that made me feel safe, from me

i hate love

thats it

love is stupid, it gets to your head and messes with your entire system, why the hell do we even need it?? why do we have the ability to love?

mic drop

(vent incoming in article vv)

just rewatched the whole spooky month series

but you already know when i got to sm5 and saw the intro scene i snapped

the bob thoughts are ruling rn and i dont know how to stop thm

human floory concept,, he be made out of grass and dirt

ill make more detailed stuff laters,,

oop and some paintyang content >>

paintyang art frm 2day,,.

theyre giving me too much brainrot i cant contain it anymore