Robert in Emo/Alt's Den

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whoever thinks tht beong autistic is fun or easy is more of a moron than mr. DOT (the guy on caution signs)

its an absolute pain, especially if you dont live ina safe environment for shit like that

im deadd,, this website has everything..

you get more spilers from there thn frm the wiki 😭

my left sinus hurts sso much i cnt even,,.

like now i can sit up but a few hours ago i couldnt even move

today i feel okay,, i thinkk

im comforting myself by thinking of fictkins of mine doing silly things,,.,.

gguys im finee

i didnt die,, i think??

mom almost gave me food poisoning today.

and i dont rly have a gag reflex so it was vry hard for me to barf (i did it in the end, after like 15 minutes of trying)

im alive 💯💯 (not for long lmaoo 😇😝👽😋❤)

okay im serious theres somthing wrong with me

i started working on ANOTHER wrong sheet and mom i sliterally going to kill me now

pee at 3 am nno way

2nd img unrelated <33

i fucking cant anymore

theres too much going on

i cant wait for the exams to be over so i can finally relax.. or die from the stress and negative sleep hours i have