annoucments in The Official FNaI Community

Share your creations!


So remember when i said we would show some gameplay of the new demo? well its gonna happen this weekend! (importnant info in article)

Once we finish nights 1 AI we will defiantly show some gameplay of the new stuff i just dont know when (cuz school, kill me)

I made a new icon for our game page hope youll like it!

even though im a day late, me, my friends and the FNaI dev team wishes everyone a happy year of 2022 with this simple doodle of us (im sry i wanted to do something more)
(some small info in the article)

... the place where it all begins ...

No update today becouse its CHRISTMAS i hope youre all having a good time today!

So no updates lately, mostly becouse of school killing me all the time so im sry for the lack of them again but we should hopefully get some out tomorow.

Currently were thinking of making something special for you guys but what might it be?... depends if we even agree on making it.

So Cobey (and his first ever version) is done!
that makes 3 out of 9 characters.