general in Fazbear Tycoon

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Read this.…. And another thing. I’m not gonna keep friending everyone to be clear to fans of me. Also this is the same guy who leaked stuff on fazbear tycoon

This game is going to be good

I love how this game looks so far

oh yeah inching closer too the finishing this game!

I've been checking Casting Call page for several days to see if an audition was picked and it's driving me nuts someone help me PLSSSS

Anyway game not out yet but 20/10 goty


Gamejolt needs your help, put #SAVEGAMEJOLT and #ENDTOXICITY

YO I found another teaser trailer ab FAZBeAR TYCOON (MUST SEE IT)


900th member!

Me gets a notification saying freddy fazbear tycoon has posted. Me hoping its teasers. Me also realising its just fan art. :/
