FnaT news in Five Nights at Tori's unofficial Community

Withered Zombot. The final boss in FnaT 4....

Should we add skins when the game starts in development after FnaEW?
My friend @CToonzGamez and i have began to concept art of the FnaT characters. @josethehedgehog15 will design the office later soon (if he agrees to work with us that is)

Ok this might sound crazy, but what if we used the springlocked pizzhead drive the damage Zombot for the final boss in FnaT 4?
Since Pizzahead is the main antagonist of the Clones, what should the design of him sprinlocked in toy bronze bender look like?
[Note: This enemy will be in FnaT 4]
It's time to choose a brand new night guard for the FnaT 1 game.
(Put it in the comments and me, @CToonzGamez and @josethehedgehog15 will decide)

Easter egg 1#.
If you encounter 15 Golden Rabbid, his jumpscare be this image from graveyard shift at freddy's.
Skin ideas for the FnaT custom night.
[Add them in the comments and I'll choose five for each Clone]
There's Clone Tori, Clone Bender, Clone bambi, Clone Noise, and 15 Golden Rabbid.
Welp, one of my friends told me that they can't help with my game anymore because they have their projects to finish. So, @CToonzGamez is the official owner of FnaT.