hah u looked
There are no featured posts in this community.

Welcome to the funny

Also breaking site guidelines, posting NSFW, begging to be a collaborator, doing discriminatory things, and speaking discriminatory stuff will all get you banned, from a hour for first offense up to a constant ban

This community's purpose is to offer a community where @prinny_ and @placidbatonFinal and other people accepted as members can stream in created firesides by said people

gegnreel: general discussion
memis: memes
rednem: complete chaos
plapid zon: specialized cahnnel for @placidbatonFinal
pinnie zon: specialized channel for @prinny_
gyufohet zon: specialized channel for @hat-guy-makes-stuff
fneret: artwork created by fans of the zone owners and hatguy

Report A community for over 3 years