All Posts in Gbeu deh Gaem

Gbeu !

I am thinking about the 0.5 update and I want to make a 3 piece power up you have to colect 3 times the same power up to trigger it... So I give this mission for you. Draw your own 3 piece power up and tell me how does it work ! I will maybe accept it !

Oh so you like Gbeu deh gaem ? Name everything in it !


Omg this is a weird wave ! I think we can make it weirder !

hi I'm a dev:3

The 0.2 Update is released ! You can still play the first version ! What do you think about this ?

  12 votes Voting finished

What could we buy in this game (with the E money of course) ?

so i noticed that the drill is a lil broken (too much lag) so i changed his use it breaks now stone shaped obstacles instead of diging around ...

Almost 10 members :0
