Show & Tell in Geometry Dash

Share your Geometrical Inspiration!

I fucking cooked my dudes

Crazy glow up

third level is out guys, it has my favorite first coin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

level id : 115094698

list id : 650523

I hit 10 subscribers

I post gd levels.


thanatophobia FREE FROM MINDBLOCK% (or 71% if you're boring)

i have been stuck at 64 for 2, maybe 3 weeks now, but we are finally free

the end is in sight everyone, all that's left is to reach it

Sneak Peak.

second level is done lmao

level id : 115055568

list id : 650523

Beat Time Machine after a 96% death


This is the level from my most recent sneak peek!

It's called change of chains because it's inspired by change of scene.

i already made the first level under 5 hours lmao

level id : 115039598

i also made a list by the name 'gd reversed' that will contain all the levels i make for this series

list id : 650523

i waa thinking about the idea of remaking every level but on their opposite side

like : Stereo Madness = Dash Madness

Back on Track = Dash on Track

Polargeist = Deadgeist

Dry out = Geometrical out

and bluh bluh

i will make a list soon