Announcements in Gixy's House (READ DESCRIPTION)
Share your creations!
Im looking for Translators to translate the Dialogues of Vs Reddy
New Video Uploaded to celebrate the Update of Vs Reddy 2.5 NewGen (2.0 Part 2), this is a Official Release Trailer Video!
Gix319: FNF The Reddy Mod 2.5 NewGen (2.0 Part 2) - Official Release Trailer
Hey Folks!, It's finally here after 1 Year, The Part 2 of the Vs Reddy Update!You will have the possibility to discover what this Updates Does!---DOWNLOAD TH...
Don't Worry Guys, Vs Reddy is still in Developement, i promise to release the Part 2 Update, im just busy with other stuff, such as the "Shoezarix" or even TWF Developements
Im currently looking for a English Singer for one of my next Tracks, if someone is interested, Send me a Private message (Mic must be clean)
My Music Themed Website is now avaliable for Public!
New Video Avaliable (Im back on my Plus Account!)
(I'll talk About BrightLocker actually)
What is BrightLocker ? (About + Full Showcase)
Hey Folks!, im gonna talk about a Program that i've made for the Malware Community called "BrightLocker", you will be able to learn everything about this Pro...
If you guys want to know, im working on 2 new Shoezarix Programs, i'll make both avaliable at the same time during the Febuary Vacation of France!
Im So Much happy guys!, Thank you all for supporting my Projects (Especially BrightLocker & Shoezarix Scanner!)
Would you guys like a new Shoezarix Program next week fastly ?
4 votes Voting finished
this is not a joke, im working on a Turkish & Polish Track with both languages in one Track (Avaliable on April)