Share your creations!

im looking for multiple Animators and Artists in Art for my Official Videos of my Songs (Custom Tracks), if you're interested, PM me

I added 2 New Categories on Gixy's House community called "Shoezarix Stuff" and "VS Reddy Stuff" to talk about The Shoezarix and VS Reddy content on their channels (FanArts are allowed on both channels) (FanTracks are allowed on VS Reddy Channel)

WOAH, 30 Views, that's a lot i've got after less than 24 Hours, Thank you so much guys!

Welcome to my House of Music!

Hi, and greetings at Gix319's Official Community on GJ.

My Content is related to Vs Reddy, The Shoezarix Team, TFM Studio and JD3+/JD PS3.


Rules To Know:

-No Swearing

-No Hardful Jokes

-No +18 Art or +18 in Music

-No Hypertexts links that redirect to malicious websites.


Cool Things i Allow:

-High Graphics (do not abuse)

-Distracting/Space Noices in Music (or also Whispering/Silent Noices/Vocals)

-Programs/Games Showcases


Things i Allow:

-Normal Talking

-Art & Music (No Swearing and no +18 Content)

-Collaboration Requests


Since im not strict and im nicely with you all, i give you chances when you do mistakes:

Mistake 1 (Swearing): Post Eject and Shouting/PM as Warning

Mistake 2 (No Context): Ejected Post + Community Timeout of 10 Minutes

Mistake 3 (+18 Content): Endless Community Block


if you are endlessly blocked, you can send me a request at my professional email here:

[email protected]


Stay Safe =)

-Gix319 (Alain Récré)

Report A community for over 1 year