Killer in Purple in Goldie - Official Community
My friend 8-Bitmark has found a big issue with v2.0.4, this will be patched either tonight or tomorow. (most likely tomorow)
Burntrap update (v2.0.4) is now released!
It also fixes some small issues but not all of them, other bugs might be adressed later.
Last update untill my new game, Project SW (temporary name).
So have fun, see you soon... and of course...
Stay Golden! 😉
Привет из России,Голди! Я хотел поддержать русского ютубера Neptoon и известить тебя о том, что он хотел увидеть свое лого .Он пропиарил твои игры в русской сегменте и ждал, что его увидишь ты!А ещё жаль,что Android версии нет здесь, а так хотел поиграть!
I've downloaded the game, but I'm not to sure how to play it, any help?
@GoldenFreddyCinema Man, only the PC is updating while the cell phone is behind
Um it won't let me place down animatronics
idk why
@GoldenFreddyCinema found a glitch with scotts ghost mode where you can use the ghost mode to enter a vent and then glitch out of the map
It seems I made a mistake with v2.0.3 and ghost mode still doesn't work. I will try and fix it soon, most likely tomorow.