I am Breadbear I Demand The flesh of Virgins

This is Jonny the Turtle. I have sewn him by hand today in school.

Jonny has no Friends.

Like this Post to be Jonnys new Friend

Ya- ehh.. trying to be more active- fr now... also- here I drew myself- kinda.. with my Favorite Pokémon (and Former Team) in Gen. 5 :>

gud Morning Guys!

I was Thinking about making some sort of These 'Interview with...' FNaF Videos but with my FNaF AU. So- maybe voicing it myself cuz yeah-.

Should I Give it a Try?

  1 vote Voting finished

You will be visited by three ghosts

Ft.Freddy and BonBons voicelines (my au)

✨In article✨

-also pls vote for the next-

  8 votes Voting finished

Welcome To The BreadBear Cult.

Never ask me if i am FredBear- I am BreadBear :3


-No Hate

-Be BreadFriendly

Free Bread For Everyone.

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