memes in LUKELCS Fan Community
God must be gloinks!!
Man, what kind of win/lose ration is this?! XD
ok, its a thing
try your best
I think I can finish the first devlog video tonight, I'm just about ready to record it, and if I'm quick with editing/uploading, I might be able to finish it before I get 4 more followers.
Dang it @SuperWA-HOOMan !
I was about to say something XD!
Monika has entered the chat
Picture 1 : Legitimate game idea.
Picture 2 : Not so legitimate game ideas (tho the second one is too bad)
Ok, welp, pick whatever option you want, and I'll (likely) answer honestly, or as honestly as I can.
I'll try to limit it to only 1 question per person, however, if I can't give you an answer on one of them tho, feel free to ask another.
I feel confusion and angry assumptions coming my way.
I mentioned the names of political figures.
It's all silly, so please nobody start talking actual politics, I just made this up as I went along with pretty much whatever I could think of, so yeh.