Game Updates in Highcell's Basement

Share your creations!


Motivation is currently shit probably due to depression so have this map.

Too lazy to get a good image for this but this is Shadow Foxboy’s replacement.

I hate these types of comments.

We’ve barely even worked on the gameplay shit so there’s not gonna be any gameplay footage of a while and that’s if we choose to record some.

How do you guys feel about Custom Night Exclusives and if you're cool with it, who should be added as Exclusives.

Please stop commenting on my posts including ones not about Anniversary Edition stuff about a save system.

I'm sick and tired of seeing it and there's a secret system you can find if you try hard enough.

Kseniya's: Remastered.…

In regards to that post, I won't be changing much.

I did a bit of work on the game a few days ago and realized I actually like its simplicity.

So the most I'll probably change is poses and decor.…

Kinda feel stupid making this post now because I haven't shown off Fusion or even explain what the hell he is.

So, expect his design to be revealed next.

Alright, Phantom Peep is real.