All Posts in scags very silly communityyy.. yuhh.


Get yur new Glisten/scag,.,

also time to change my persona again YeahYeahYeaHHHHH NEW YEAR NEW PERSONA REDESIGN AGAIN,.,.,

augHHh,,., what is This,.,.

whart did I jstFUCKJNG FIND,.,,.

Oki is it really random to have ur old Roblox username as your ACTUAL NAME.,.,

Flying shrimpo,.,..,

scaregiver kinsona art again...,, Euhgh,..

Ughh,.., I think I might have to repaint my nails.z.,,.

worse part is Its like ORANLDO FLORIDA I MEAN

Oki being honest why do I have a shirt thats like Florida ish and my mother got in From Florida.,.,