Random shit in Mini YouTuber hangout

*angry algorithm noises*

free meme of all time. Better fix this

Rumjacks - The Pot & Kettle
Mostly for me and my friends (I'm tired of sending this song through Facebook every time)One smoky day in a darkened scullery Doon by the river in a factory ...

Guys, stop saying “nothing” when I ask what you mean by something. I clearly heard you say something, so how did you say nothing? And if you don’t want to say, JUST SAY “oh, sorry, I don’t want to talk about it” SAYING “nothing” JUST MAKES IT MORE AWKWARD

Guys I’m gonna go live on twitch in like 2 minutes

If creeper does end up quitting, I want him to know that he was a good person and a funny creeper. And also a jolly one, too.

Random ass images I have saved in my iPad

Someone give me 17 followers.




Multiple monstrosity

