Art in MarioYoshi7's Community

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Diego The Kid! in...
Crystallic Battlezone!
(based around the second image)

Featuring: @SomeRandomWizard !
Game: SomeRandomWizard's Very Original SHMUP!

Everyone's least favorite bird nest!

Remember Diego 64?
Remember Grasslands, the generic grass theme level before Grassy Parks came?

Merry Christmas!!!

Have this drawing I made, wow.

(Game Jolt will kill the quality I swear.)

Some random drawing I made today with Diego and Shadow Diego, yay

I like drawing randomly at times cuz why not it's sometimes fun

More art I did while I was gone!!!

The two being Christmas themed wow

And yes one of them is my PFP

Considering I'm back, time to post some art yay!!!
My OCs!!!


Remember that time when I used to simp for Pop Singer?