general in JRB jeb comunity

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Just dance again, here's the first one

I finished it

S looks tired and Kolec goes on with his thing

thats serial designation S she is more frendly dissasembly drone as J or V

In her past she was more like a kid and she didnt wear maid chlothes or anything she Stole tessa bow

And leater when she was dissasembly drone and on (c9) she wears V jacket

I just need to put Kolec in the drawing - they took my phone away last night again :(

well I've been playing with my brothers all day, I should do something else

I just woke up so I don't know

My little brother wants to play Just Dance, I was drawing something adorable

they distracted me again and well, this was supposed to be quick.

It's already night, let's see what I do this time

Cute again