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I had a fun little concept that I could put out so that there's content flowing while I work on my bigger projects in the coming months

Idea: LISA: A Ranger's Day

Fairy, Crazy Warrior, Mold, Chicken Snake, Peeling, Angel, Joker

Versión 1.1.0

-He traducido las descripciones de los personajes

-He traducido los díalogos que salen cuando terminas una batalla

-He traducido el dialogo "The piano blocks the way"
-He añadido el insulto: "Que te folle un pez"

A rough draft for the beginning for Tido in painful is being worked on so maybe one day it can be real, though some help is appreciated. Alright that’s all have a good one

Working on a one fight mod, three battles are planned out, currently making sprites for the first two. 9 "routes" are planned, 2 of em jokes, the first 5 will be on release, the rest as an update.

Wait... first Lovely Conspiracy, then this...

Does that mean... Lisa games with MU-like style can be released in a reasonable time frame?

Prrrrrr, probably not, these mush have taken years to make

Anyway, this is cool

Olathe : Engraved In Time
(NO COMMONTARY, But some at the end!)So, the jam of games has ended so I played another one that I had my eyes on. This one's defiantly has a style to it lik...

Hey everyone! Ask me anything

hospital boss

He transformed this hospital into his own "medieval castle."

In fact, he is just a person who plays video games and becomes obsessed

He treats these creeps as his subordinates and calls himself Z God

Besides, he likes spicy ham

This looks... interesting

But... that art style, there's something about... it looks so weird, if feels like a combination of charm style mixed with the style of Wise... the old MV style to be exact

LISA: The Reckless - Trailer
Music: - Music Of Mythos VOL 2