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(SPOILERS) Lisa The Hopeful Ace of Hearts Yoshi The Pyrosaurs Challenge
This mod sucks ass.No I'm not saying the strategy because this sucks so much.Go find the link to Ace of Hearts yourself.Thank You Muuman for supporting me th...
can you guys guess what these are for??
"How doo dee doo...
The reception for the demo has been fantastic!
Sorry for the bugs in it, but y'know how it is...
But they should all be gone now... maybe.
...oh, did you want to say something Ben?
Yeah, didn't think so.
Until we meet again!"
now that Ace of Hearts the mod is out and about, I've been thinking of renaming the battle theme for this mod
how does "Cold Hearted Triumvirate" sound?
it's been a year since definitive edition
and the crowd goes mild...
How dee doo dee....
Kept you waiting?
Sorry for that, but y'know how it is...
I think you deserve to see what this new experience has to offer, no?
Go play it.
Or don't!
I'm not the boss of you...
-Signed, with love...
No friends, no brothers, no fathers, no mothers, just me... That is a poem by little Linda Ermstrng.