SIX BC NEWS in Keigo_Takami Fan Group

Why is there a word that exists solely to refer to the act of throwing something/someone out of a window
What the fuck?!
I angered the Chicagoans once
The amount of out of context screenshots there probably are of me on discord floating around
I shouldn't have eaten those Spaghettios and Meatballs yesterday

BTw The crying cat I posted about is okay. Here is that same cat now
I just did the weirdest ever voice when I saw Grounded was on sale on steam
"OooOOOOoh iT's On SaLe"
#gjasks funniest game?! Hmm. Probably GMod

You're coming home with me one day
Should I be ashamed to say that... I've never once carved a pumpkin in my life?
The amount of people that have called me these VARIOUS names in one single night as the Riddler
The Rizzler
The JOKER (how tf)
The Onceler