Roleplay in Luna Mimic Soul-Toon

How would your characters react and deal with a rigged archery carnival game. (Based on accuracy and speed.)
For those with characters who can, a true magic trick, the box that is attacked with knives. They survive without a scratch, would you like Luna's reaction?
Some of my roleplays in s nutshell:
My ocs are so stupid I'm sorry.
If you want you can pick one to talk to.

Why do so many of you wanna see this person die?
There's always three options that people choose: OVERLY protective, Doesn't care, DIE PATHETIC BEING.
Two truths and a lie oc versions.
Your OC is playing two truths and a lie vs Luna. IDK I thought it could be interesting.
I remember a roleplay where Horror Camden ordered a burger and got mad that it had pickles. ... Luna also no like pickles but she wouldn't muder a whole fast food restaurant because of it. Probably. @camp4416
Guys, how I wish there was another big villain, I got so good at manipulating the battlegrounds.
How would you character react if they were told to run someone out of town, but when they asked who, they were shown a mirror?
Pov: Rando (one of my "I'm better than you" demon characters) and Luna get hired by one of your evil boss OCS.