Evolution Devlog in Pareal Games Community

haha car go vroom vroom zoom drift skkkrt brrrrrr boom woooosh

The Detonator Unit, coming this month

Evolution - Apocalyptic Faction Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqafBygfRuc

Evolution - Apocalyptic Faction Trailer
Coming to GameJolt and Itch.io in November 2023GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/evolution/697462Itch.io: https://pareal-games.itch.io/evolution

Fun Fact: It's been 3 months since I started updating the entire soundtrack for this game, in that time I've completed all but 6 of these songs for the current version

One more faction to go for this update (again)!

november, the month you'll see the twenties and the sixties fighting against each other. one of which will be harder to obtain, though.

Swinging Sixties Faction Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhmxWdk8rmY

Evolution - Swinging Sixties Faction Trailer
Coming Q4 on GameJolt and Itch.ioGameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/evolution/697462Itch.io: https://pareal-games.itch.io/evolution
Evolution - Hippie Unit Preview
Coming in the next update

Gee, this looks kinda apocalyptic, I wonder what this has to do with the next Evolution update

Trailer for the Prohibition Faction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkx57OmeNDg

Evolution - Prohibition Faction Trailer
Coming Q4 2023 on GameJolt and Itch.io

I've decided to postpone the Prohibition Faction, aswell as Version 0.8 due to how long it's taking to make all these maps & songs for the game.

So the next version will be 0.75 due to the size of the next update not as big as usual updates are.