save_bella in that vegan teacher criticism group

gordon says

Panic that vegan teacher has a pet mouse now now she's going to be torturing another animal and she literally called it covid #saveBellaandcovid the dog and Mouse pair deserve better

Some peapole don't know how animals work, that's sad...


She deserves better

dogs are a little companions / helpers, not things you use to make people vegan

Thatveganteacher doesnt deserve a dog #SaveBella

send a rescue team to help the darn dog

it's funny you claim to love animals that vegan teacher yet you torture your dog was not allowing it to eat meat even though it's a carnivore effectively ruining this dog's life when it could have had a better one with someone else disgusting

alarming news the vegan teacher may have a second vegan dog this is very alarming as know we might not just have to save Bella but another dog as well I don't know the full details but if it's true then I'm disgusted #saveBellaandtheotherdog