general in Fundamental Paper Education FPE A


"Derealization" AU

(The creator of AU: Arieys121)

"Univers Science" AU

(The creator of AU: PThongsuk26460)

If this post get 20 likes this image becomes My PFP


(The creator of AU: 001_PERSON)

"What if" AU

(The creator of AU: Maplesito2)

"Winter" AU

(The creator of AU: DemcenkoSo15700)

"Doppel" AU

(The creator of AU: marsMiss241835)

"Cars" AU

(The creator of AU: KelConvertible)

Well, Kaaatie did not specify exactly where this school is located.../Что ж, Kaaatie не уточняла, где именно находиться это школа...

So here's the answer.../Итак, вот вам ответ...


(Created art: marsMiss241835)