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New atf. Spike hat. 55, 35 & 20 cm. Original from the mimic but I made it like an atf.

New atf. False train. 64m.

New atf. Ho is this? 1,7m. + final form. 1600m.

New atf. The moon falls to earth. 1 moon.

One time i hade a nightmare and 2 eyes atared at me in a window. I made it into a atf. The eyes of Dreams. 3 vertions exist. 1. 2 eyes that are 3 centimeters. 2. A giant that is 8555m. 3. He is 4m.

New atf. -0. Unkown size. The real world danger.


New atf. Phobia creathure. Variable size. Its diferent for everyone. Its your biggest fear so for me its a giant spider.

Red demadordon virus. Red = virus.

My first monster ever is demadordon and he has like 7 phases and ther are like infenite types of demadordon.