Ninjakrom in Ninjakrom's supporters

"Empty space, for an Special Text"

Giege / Alien

#pixel #art #character #earthbound

Mother: Cognitive Dissonance

I made this during the break time!

#earthbound #art #gyigas


I have stayed addicted with the earthbound game! I really like UFO characters, trees, mushrooms, etc.

#Eartbound #Gameplay


working on the bullets for each character.

Hi there!

Me and the rest game team have thought about launching a pre-beta, in which there will be some areas of the chapter 1 it will be playable in few areas of dark world.

The playable areas are dark realm, castle town & Field of Hope and Dream #news


A little sneak peek about rouxls kaard's home, this area has been in development yet, we are adding some maze, secret place and more puzzles!


Rousing Battle! - Pokemon BW2

#Pokemon #Gameplay #Battle
