PHIGHT! on the chat
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Hello! I am one of the idols: DOM! and this is my silly phighting server. I hope you like it :3.


1-no spamming

it ain't funny or anything. bunch of weirdos

2-no NSFW

pretty self-explanatory ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3-no racist jokes (part of rule 4)

9/11 type of jokes are allowed. but i will NOT allow any type of racism

4-no racism

why? racism is stupid

hellouuuu !! other collaborator here ! ( aka steam :b )

— please be respectful with the others ,, and DONT STEAL ART .

— ai "ARTISTS" arent allowed here either . . . .

yeahhh thats all .

			have fun ! ^_^
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